     GLE  is  a  high  quality  graphics  package for scientists,
     combining  a  user  friendly  interface with a full range of
     facilities    for   producing  publication  quality  graphs,
     diagrams, posters and slides.

     GLE  provides  LaTeXquality  fonts  together with a flexible
     graphics  module  which  allows  the  user  to  specify  any
     feature  of a graph (down to the line width of the subticks,
     for example)

     Complex  pictures can be drawn with user defined subroutines
     and simple looping structures.

     Current  device  drivers support DECWINDOWS, REGIS, TEK4010,
     all  PC  graphics  cards,  VT100s,  HP-Plotters,  PostScript
     Printers, EPSON Printers and LaserJet Printers.

     GLE  runs  on  both  VAXes and PCs, giving an identical user
     interface on both platforms.

 GLE Installation on a PC
     To  install GLE, put the distribution disk into drive a: and


     GLE  requires  at  least  800K  of  disk space for a minimal
     installation  and  3.3M  for  a full installation (including
     all device drivers and fonts).

     GLE  also  requires 530K or more of free memory. Use the DOS
     command  CHKDSK  to  check  this  figure.  If you don't have
     enough  then take copies of your AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS
     files  and then remove as much as possible from these files.

     GLE  may  work  with  less  memory depending on what you are

     The  installation disk contains a version of CGLE which will
     make  use  of  epanded memory. This version can run with 70K
     less  memory  but  if you don't have expanded memory then it
     has  to  use  your  hard  disk instead which is a great deal

 Running GLE
     To    get  GLE  running  interactively  you  must  be  on  a
     VAXstation,  graphics terminal, or PC. If you are using a PC
     you  should  make certain you have an up to date copy of GLE
     (ask via VAX-mail to GRV::SRGHCXP or InterNET

 Running GLE on a PC
     The command to run GLE is:

          C:\GLE> cgle myfile.gle  

     Note:  the  command is `CGLE' not `GLE' but the directory is
     `GLE', this is for historical reasons.

     To  print  a  GLE  file to the laser printer you would type:

          C:> psgle myfile 
          C:> print myfile.ps 

     To  produce  an  .eps  file for inclusion in WordPerfect you
     would type:

          C:> psgle myfile /eps 

     This will create a file called myfile.EPS.

     If  your  PC  is  connected  to  a  VAX computer which has a
     PostScript  printer  you may copy MYFILE.PS to the VAX using
     a  standard  file transfer program (e.g. FTP, KERMIT, VDISK)

     The  best  way to see what GLE can do is to have a play with
     it,  simply  start  it  up and try out some of the examples:

          Press F3       (Load file) 
          Press <enter>  (for a menu of GLE files)
          Use arrow keys to select example, then press <enter>
          Press F10 to draw the picture
          Press ESC to get back to the GLE editor.
          When you find a graph try pressing F9 and modifying 
          one of the fields (use F1 for an explanation of each 

 Running GLE on a VAX
     The command to run GLE is:

          $ cgle myfile.gle
          $ cgle myfile.gle /dev=regis
          $ cgle myfile.gle /dev=x

     See    the    directory   CGLE_EXAMPLES:  for  examples  and
     templates.  To  get access to these files from the GLE menus
     use the commands:

          $ define workarea sys$login:,cgle_examples:
          $ set default workarea:
          $ cgle stack4b.gle      ! or any other example 

     If  your keyboard doesn't have the function keys F9 thru F14
     you  can  use GOLD (PF1) followed by the numbers 9,0,1,2,3,4
     (on the top of the QWERTYUIOP keypad).

     Keyboard Mappings:

     VT100 		VT200 		PC 		Meaning 
     GOLD 1 		F11 		F1 		Help 
     GOLD 2 		F12 		F2 		Save 
     GOLD 3 		F13 		F3 		Load 
     GOLD 4 		F14 		F4 		Save-as 
     GOLD 9 		F9 		F9 		Graph-menu 
     GOLD 0 		F10 		F10 		Draw-it 
     Control+Z 		Control+Z 	Control+Z 	Exit/Escape 
     					Alt+X 		Exit/Escape 
     Control+E 		Control+E 			Calls VAX EDT 
     Control+F 		Control+F 			Toggle fast/slow text 
     Control+R 		Control+R 	F5 		Shows errors 
     					Control+S 	Shells to DOS 

     Supported  devices:  VT100,  REGIS  (VT125, VT240), TEK4010,
     VWS, XWindows.

     Supported  output:  PostScript, HPGL, Epson, Epson 24pin, HP

     To  create  a PostScript output file (.PS) and automatically
     print it to the LASER queue you would type:

          $ cgle myfile /print

     To  produce  an  .eps  file  for inclusion in LaTeXyou would

          $ cgle myfile /dev=eps

     To  produce  a  .ps  file  suitable  for printing to a laser
     writer type:

          $ cgle myfile /dev=ps

 It didn't work, bugs!!!
     If  the  installation fails, or one of the example GLE files
     fails  to  work then the most likely reason is a shortage of
     memory  due to too many memory resident programs/drivers. To
     fix  this  remove these utilities from your autoexec.bat and
     config.sys files temporarily.

     There  may  well  be  a  bug in your GLE file, try using the
     trace option to find the bug.
     On a PC:

          C:\GLE> psgle myfile /trace

     On a VAX:

          $ cgle myfile /dev=ps /trace

     Another  reason for a failure is a bug in GLE, Please report
     bugs    to   Chris  Pugmire  (in%"srghcxp@grv.dsir.govt.nz",
     grv::srghcxp)  so  they  can  be fixed. If possible, try and
     find  a way of repeating the problem, then send relevant GLE
     and    data   files  with  an  outline  of  what  is  wrong.

 Drawing a Line on a Page
     Let's  start  with  drawing  a  line on the page. GLE has to
     know  what size piece of paper you are working with. You can
     tell it by giving a size command:

          size 18 27

     This  specifies  a  piece  of paper 18cm wide and 27cm high.
     Now  you  must define a current point by moving to somewhere
     on the page:

          amove 2 4       

     The  origin  (0,0)  is at the bottom left hand corner of the
     page.  Now  suppose  we  wish to draw a line from this point
     across 1 cm and up 2 cm:

          size 18 27
          amove 2 4
          rline 1 2

     That  was  a  relative  movement  as the x and y values were
     given  as distances from the current point, alternatively we
     could have used absolute coordinates:

          size 18 27
          amove 2 4
          aline 3 6               ! absolute. 

     Now  if  you  want  to  draw  some  text on this page at the
     current point you would use the text command:

          text Hi there

     So  we  have  now  constructed  an  entire  GLE  program  as
     follows, with the results illustrated below:

          size 12 8 box 
          amove 2 4
          rline 1 2
          text Hi there

 Drawing a Simple Graph
     This  section will describe how to go about drawing a simple

     The  following  data  points  are contained in a file called

         x   y
         -----  (These top two lines do not appear in the file)
         1   2
         2   6
         3   2
         4   5
         5   9

     The  data is in two columns with white space separating each
     column  of  numbers.  The  following  commands  will  draw a
     simple line graph of the data.

         size 6 3 
         begin graph
            size 6 3 
            data tut.dat
            yaxis min 0 
            d1 line marker star msize .2
         end graph

     The  first  size  command  defines  the size of the piece of
     paper  which  may contain several graphs. The second defines
     the  size  of  this  particular graph. The actual graph axes
     are  by  default  0.7  of these dimensions. The ratio can be
     changed with the vscale and hscale commands.

     Without  the  "yaxis min 0" command the yaxis would start at
     2.0,  because  that is the minimum y value in the data. This
     makes the graph easier to interpret.

     Changing the above d1 command to:

         d1 line marker circle 

     will  mark  each data point with a circle instead of a star.
     See    appendix   A  for  a  list  of  other  marker  names.

     A  smooth  line  can  be  drawn  between  the data points by
     changing the d1 command to:

         d1 line marker circle smooth

     The  order  of  the  commands  is not important, except that
     circle    is  a  parameter  for  the  qualifier  marker  and
     therefore  must  come  straight after it. E.g.,  d1  [marker
     circle]  [line smooth]  [color blue]

 GLE Primitives
     A   GLE  command  is  a  sequence  of  keywords  and  values
     separated  by white space (one or more spaces or tabs). Each
     command  must  begin  on  a  new  line.  Keywords may not be
     abbreviated,  the  case  is not significant. All coordinates
     are  expressed in centimetres from the bottom left corner of
     the page.

     GLE  uses the concept of a current point which most commands
     use.  For  example,  the  command aline 2 3 will draw a line
     from    the    current   point  to  the  coordinates  (2,3).

     The  current  graphics  state  also  includes other settings
     like  line width, color, font, 2d transformation matrix. All
     of these can be set with various GLE commands.

 Graphics Primitives (a summary)
     ! comment 
     @ xxx 
     aline x y [arrow start] [arrow end] [arrow both] 
     amove x y 
     arc radius a1 a2 
     arcto x1 y1 x2 y2 rad 
     begin box [fill pattern] [add gap] [nobox] [name xyz] 
     begin clip 
     begin origin 
     begin path [stroke] [fill pattern] [clip] 
     begin rotate angle 
     begin scale x y 
     begin table 
     begin text [width exp] 
     begin translate x y 
     bezier x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 
     bigfile filename.gle 
     box x y [justify jtype] [fill color] [name xxx] [nobox] 
     circle radius [fill pattern] 
     curve ix iy [ x1 y1 x y x y ... xn yn] ex ey 
     define marker markername subroutine-name 
     for var = exp1 to exp2 [step exp3] command [...] next var 
     if exp then command [...] else command [...] end if 
     include filename 
     join object1.just sep object2.just 
     marker marker-name [ scale-factor] 
     postscript filename.eps width-exp height-exp 
     rbezier x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 
     return exp 
     rline x y [arrow end] [arrow start] [arrow both] 
     rmove x y 
     save objectname 
     set cap butt | round | square 
     set color col 
     set dashlen dashlen-exp 
     set font font-name 
     set fontlwidth line-width 
     set hei character-size 
     set join mitre | round | bevel 
     set just left | center | right | tl | etc... 
     set lstyle line-style 
     set lwidth line-width 
     sub sub-name paramter1 paramter2 etc 
     text unquoted-text-string 
     write string$

 Graphics Primitives (in detail)

 ! comment
     Indicates  the  start  of  a comment. GLE ignores everything
     from   the  exclamation  point  to  the  end  of  the  line.

 @ xxx
     Executes subroutine xxx.

 aline x y [arrow start] [arrow end] [arrow both] 
     Draws  a  line  from  the  current  point  to  the  absolute
     coordinates  (x,y),  which  then  becomes  the  new  current
     point.  The  arrow qualifiers are optional, they draw arrows
     at  the  start  or end of the line, the size of the arrow is
     proportional to the current font height.

 amove x y
     Changes  the  current  point  to  the  absolute  coordinates

 arc radius a1 a2
     Draws  an  arc  of a circle in the anti-clockwise direction,
     centered  at  the  current point, of radius radius, starting
     at  angle a1 and finishing at angle a2. Angles are specified
     in  degrees.  Zero  degrees  is  at three o'clock and Ninety
     degrees is at twelve o'clock.

          arc 1.2 20 45

     The  command  narc  is  identical  but  draws the arc in the
     clockwise  direction.  This is important when constructing a

 arcto x1 y1 x2 y2 rad
     Draws  a  line  from  the  current  point to (x1,y1) then to
     (x2,y2)  but  fits  an  arc  of  radius  rad joining the two
     vectors    instead   of  a  vertex  at  the  point  (x1,y1).

 begin block_name ... end block_name
     There  are  several  block  structured commands in GLE. Each
     begin  must  have  a  matching  end. Blocks which change the
     current  graphics  state (e.g. scale, rotate, clip etc) will
     restore  whatever  they  change  at  the  end  of the block.
     Indentation  is  optional but should be used to make the GLE
     program easier to read.

 begin box [fill pattern] [add gap] [nobox] [name xyz] 
     Draws  a  box  around  everything  between begin box and end
     box.  The option add adds a margin of margin cm to each side
     of  the  box  to  make the box slightly larger than the area
     defined  by the graphics primitives in the begin box end box
     group  (to  leave a gap around text for example). The option
     nobox stops the box outline from being drawn.

     The  name  option saves the coordinates of the box for later
     use with the join command.

 begin clip 
     This  saves  the  current clipping region. A clipping region
     is  an  arbitrary  path  made  from  lines  and curves which
     defines  the  area  on which drawing can occur. This is used
     to  undo  the  effect  of a clipping region defined with the
     begin  path  command. See the example CLIP.GLE in appendix B
     at the end of the manual.

 begin origin
     This  makes  the  current point the origin. This is good for
     subroutines    or  something  which  has  been  drawn  using
     amove,aline.  Everything  between  the  begin origin and end
     origin  can  be moved as one unit. The current point is also
     saved and restored.

 begin path [stroke] [fill pattern] [clip] 
     Initialises  the  drawing  of  a filled shape. All the lines
     and  curves  generated  until the next end path command will
     be  stored and then used to draw the shape. stroke draws the
     outline  of  the  shape, fill paints the inside of the shape
     in  the given color and clip defines the shape as a clipping
     region  for  all  future  drawing. Clipping and filling will
     only work on PostScript devices.

 begin rotate angle
     The  coordinate  system  is rotated anti-clockwise about the
     current  point by the angle angle (in degrees). For example,
     to  draw a line of text running vertically up the page (as a
     Y axis label, say), type:

 begin scale x y
     Everything  between  the  begin  and  end  is  scaled by the
     factors  x  and  y.  E.g.,  scale 2 3 would make the picture
     twice as wide and three times higher.

 begin table 
     This  module  is an alternative to the TEXT module. It reads
     the  spaces and tabs in the source file and aligns the words
     accordingly.  A single space between two words is treated as
     a real space, not an alignment space.

     With  a  proportionally  spaced font columns will line up on
     the  left  hand side but not on the right hand side. However
     with  a  fixed pitch font, like tt, everything will line up.

 begin text [width exp] 
     This  module displays multiple lines/paragraphs of text. The
     block  of text is justified according to the current justify
     setting.  See  the  set  just  command  for a description of
     justification settings.

     If  a  width  is specified the text is wrapped and justified
     to  the  given  width. If a width is not given, each line of
     text  is  drawn as it appears in the file. Remember that GLE
     treats  text  in  the  same  way that LaTeXdoes, so multiple
     spaces    are  ignored  and  some  characters  have  special
     meaning. E.g, \ ^ _ & { }

     To  include  Greek  characters  in  the middle of text use a
     backslash  followed  by  the  name  of the character. E.g., 
     3.3\Omega S would produce ``3.3OS''.

     To  put  a space between the Omega and the S add a backslash
     space  at  the  end. E.g.,  3.3\Omega\ S produces ``3.3O S''

     Sometimes  the  space  control characters (e.g. \:) are also
     ignored,  this  may  happen  at  the  beginning of a line of
     text.  In  this  case  use  the control sequence \glasswhich
     will  trick GLE into thinking it isn't at the beginning of a
     line. E.g.,

          text \glass \:\: Indented text

     There  are  several  LaTeXlike  commands  which  can be used
     within text, they are:

     	^{}                 Superscript
     	_{}                 Subscript
     	\\                  Forced Newline
     	\_                  Underscore character
     	\,                  .5em (em = width of the letter `m')
     	\:                  1em space
     	\;                  2em space
     	\char{22}           Any character in current font
     	\chardef{a}{hello}  Define a character as a macro
     	\def\v{hello}       Defines a macro
     	\movexy{2}{3}       Moves the current text point
     	\glass              Makes move/space work on beginning of line
     	\rule{2}{4}         Draws a filled in box, 2cm by 4cm
     	\setfont{rmb}       Sets the current text font
     	\sethei{.3}         Sets the font height (in cm)
     	\setstretch{2}      Scales the quantity of glue between words
     	\lineskip{.1}       Sets the default distance between lines of text
     	\linegap{-1}        Sets the minimum required gap between lines 

 begin translate x y
     Everything  between  the  begin  and end is moved x units to
     the right and y units up.

 bezier x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3
     Draws  a  Bezier cubic section from the current point to the
     point  (x3,y3)  with  Bezier  cubic  control  points  at the
     coordinates  (x1,y1)  and (x2,y2). For a full explanation of
     Bezier  curves see the PostScript Language Reference Manual.

 bigfile filename.gle
     This  command  reads  the  file one line at a time, compiles
     each  line and executes it. This means it can read any sized
     file.  However,  complex multi-line commands cannot be used.
     Subroutines   can  be  used  but  not  defined,  inside  the
     bigfile.  Note:  there  is  also  a  bigfile  option  in the
     graphing module for large datasets.

 box x y [justify jtype] [fill color] [name xxx] [nobox] 
     Draws  a  box, of width x and height y, with its bottom left
     corner  at the current point. If the justify option is used,
     the  box will be positioned relative to the specified point.
     E.g.,  TL  = top left, CC = center center, BL = bottom left,
     CENTRE  = bottom centre, RIGHT = bottom right, LEFT = bottom
     left.  See  set  just  for  a  description  of justification

     If  a  fill  pattern  is  specified, the box will be filled.
     Remember  that  white fill is different from no fill pattern
     -  white  fill  will erase anything that was inside the box.

 circle radius [fill pattern] 
     Draws  a circle at the current point, with radius radius. If
     a  fill  pattern  is  specified  the  circle will be filled.

     Joins  the  beginning  of a line to the end of a line. I.e.,
     it does an aline to the end of the last amove.

 curve ix iy [ x1 y1 x y x y ... xn yn] ex ey 
     Draws  a  curve  starting  at  the current point and passing
     through  the  points  (x1,y1) (xn,yn), with an initial slope
     of  (ix,iy) to (x1,y1) and a final slope of (ex,ey). All the
     vectors  are  relative  movements  from  the  vector before.

 define marker markername subroutine-name
     This  defines a new marker called markername which will call
     the  subroutine  subroutine-name  whenever  it  is  used. It
     passes  two  parameters,  the first is the requested size of
     the  marker  and  the  second  is  a  value from a secondary
     dataset  which  can  be  used  to vary size or rotation of a
     marker for each point plotted.

 for var = exp1 to exp2 [step exp3] command [...] next var 
     The  for  ...  next  structure  lets  you  repeat a block of
     statements a number of times.

     GLE  sets  var  equal to exp1 and then repeats the following

     If  var  is  greater than exp2 then GLE commands are skipped
     until the line after the next statement.

     The value exp3 is added to var.

     The  statements  between  the  for  and  next  statement are
     executed. itemize

     If  exp1 is greater than exp2 then the loop is not executed.

     Restores  the  most  recently  saved graphics state. This is
     the  simplest  way  to  restore  complicated transformations
     such  as  rotations and translations. It must be paired with
     a previous gsave command.

     Saves  the  current  graphics  transformation matrix and the
     current point and the current color, font etc.

 if expression then command [...] else command [...] end if
     If  expression  evaluates  to true, then execution continues
     with  the statements up to the corresponding else, otherwise
     the statements following the else and up to the
     corresponding end if are executed.

          amove 3 3
          if xpos()=3 then
             text We are at x=3
             text We are elsewhere
          end if

     Note: end if is not spelt endif.

 include filename
     The  commands  in  filename are read just as if they were in
     the  current GLE file. With a large include file GLE may run
     out  of  memory.  If  this  happens, use the bigfile command
     instead  of include. Note: there is also a bigfile option in
     the graphing module.

 join object1.just sep object2.just 
     Draws  a line between two named objects. An object is simply
     a  point  or a box which was given a name when it was drawn.

     The  justify  qualifiers  are the standard GLE justification
     abbreviations  (e.g.  TL=top left, see set just for details)

     If  sep  is  written as -, a line is drawn between the named
     objects e.g.

          join fred.tr - mary.tl

     Arrow  heads  can  be  included  at both ends of the line by
     writing  sep  as  <->. Single arrow heads are produced by <-
     and  ->.  Note  that sep must be separated from object1.just
     and object2.just by white space.

     If  the justification qualifiers are omitted, a line will be
     drawn  between  the  centres  of the two objects (clipped at
     the  edges  of  the  rectangles  which  define the objects).

     See    Chapter    5  for  an  example  of  joining  objects.

 marker marker-name [ scale-factor] 
     Draws  marker  marker-name at the current point. The size of
     the  marker is proportional to the current font size, scaled
     by  the  value  of  scale-factor  if  present.  Markers  are
     referred  to  by  name,  eg.  square,  diamond, triangle and
     fcircle.  Markers  beginning  with  the letter f are usually
     filled  variants.  Markers  beginning with w are filled with
     white  so  lines  are  not visible through the marker. For a
     complete list of markers refer to Appendix A.1.

 postscript filename.eps width-exp height-exp 
     Includes    an  encapsulated  postscript  file  into  a  GLE
     picture,  the  postscript  picture will be scaled up or down
     to  fit  the  width given. On the screen you will just see a

     Only  the width-exp is used to scale the picture so that the
     aspect  ratio  is  maintained.  The  height  is only used to
     display  a  rectangle  of  the  right  size  on  the screen.

 rbezier x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3
     This  command is identical to the BEZIER command except that
     the    points   are  all  relative  to  the  current  point.

 return exp
     The  return  command  is used inside subroutines to return a

     Reverses  the  direction  of  the current path. This is used
     when  filling  multiple  paths  in  order  that the Non-Zero
     Winding  Rule  will know which part of the path is `inside'.

     With  the  Non-Zero  Winding Rule an imaginary line is drawn
     through  the object. Every time a line of the object crosses
     it  from  left  to right, one is added to the counter; every
     time  a  line  of  the object crosses it from right to left,
     one  is  subtracted from the counter. Everywhere the counter
     is  non-zero is considered to be the `inside' of the drawing
     and is filled.

 rline x y [arrow end] [arrow start] [arrow both] 
     Draws  a  line  from  the  current  point  to  the  relative
     coordinates  (x,y), which then become the new current point.
     If  the current point is (5,5) then rline 3 -2 is equivalent
     to  aline  8  3.  The  optional qualifiers on the end of the
     command  will  draw  arrows at one or both ends of the line,
     the  size  of  the arrow head is proportional to the current
     font size.

 rmove x y
     Changes  the current point to the relative coordinate (x,y).
     If  the current point is (5,5) then rmove 3 -2 is equivalent
     to amove 8 3.

 save objectname 
     This  command  saves  a  point  for  later use with the join

 set cap butt | round | square
     Defines what happens at the end of a wide line.

 set color col
     Sets  the  current  color for all future drawing operations.
     There  are several pre-defined colors which can be specified
     by name.

     black,  white,  red,  green,  blue,  cyan,  magenta, yellow,
     grey10,  grey20  ...  grey90,  shade1  ... shade5, grid1 ...

     It   is  also  possible  to  specify  a  grey  scale  as  an
     expression with 0.0 = black and 1.0 = white.

 set dashlen dashlen-exp
     Sets  the  length  of  the  smallest  dash used for the line
     styles.  This  command  MUST  come  before  the  set  lstyle
     command.  This  may  be  needed  when scaling a drawing by a
     large factor.

 set font font-name
     Sets  the  current  font  to font-name. Valid font-names are
     listed in Appendix A.2.

     There    are  three  types  of  font:  PostScript,  LaTeXand
     Plotter.    They  will  all  work  on  any  device,  however
     LaTeXfonts  are  drawn  in  outline on a plotter, and so may
     not  look  very  nice.  PostScript fonts will be emulated by
     LaTeXfonts on non-PostScript printers.

 set fontlwidth line-width
     This  sets the width of lines to be used to draw the stroked
     (Plotter  fonts)  on  a PostScript printer. This has a great
     effect on their appearance.

 set hei character-size
     Sets  the height of text. For historical reasons, concerning
     lead  type  and  printing  conventions,  a  height  of  10cm
     actually  results  in  capital  letters  about  6.5cm  tall.

 set join mitre | round | bevel 
     Defines  how  two  wide  lines will be joined together. With
     mitre,  the  outside  edges  of  the  join are extended to a
     point  and  then  chopped off at a certain distance from the
     intersection  of the two lines. With round, a curve is drawn
     between the outside edges.

 set just left | center | right | tl | etc... 

     Sets    the  justification  which  will  be  used  for  text

 set lstyle line-style
     Sets    the    current  line  style  to  line  style  number
     line-style.  There are 9 predefined line styles (1--9). When
     a  line  style  is  given with more than one digit the first
     digit  is  read  as  a run length in black, the second a run
     length  in  white,  the  third  a  run length in black, etc.

 set lwidth line-width
     Sets  the  width  of lines to line-width cm. A value of zero
     will  result  in  the  device default of about 0.02 cm, so a
     lwidth  of  .0001  gives a thinner line than an lwidth of 0.

 sub sub-name parameter1 parameter2 etc
     Defines  a  subroutine. The end of the subroutine is denoted
     with  end  sub.  Subroutines must be defined before they are

     Subroutines  can  be  called  inside any GLE expression, and
     can  also  return  values.  The  parameters  of a subroutine
     become    local    variables.   Subroutines  are  reentrant.

          sub tree x y a$
             amove x y
             rline 0 1
             write a$
             return x/y
          end sub
          @tree 2 4 "mytree"         (Normal call to subroutine)
          slope = tree(2,4,"mytree")  (Using subroutine in an expression)

 text unquoted-text-string
     This  is  the simplest command for drawing text. The current
     point  is  unmodified  after  the text is drawn so following
     one  text  command  with  another  will result in the second
     line  of  text  being drawn on top of the first. To generate
     multiple  lines  of  text,  use  the  begin  text  end  text

          text "Hi, how's tricks", said Jack!

 write string$
     This  command  is  similar  to text except that it expects a
     quoted  string,  string  variable, or string expression as a

     The  built  in functions sqrt() and time$() are described in
     appendix A.3.


     Wherever  GLE  is expecting a number it can be replaced with
     an expression. For example

          rline 3 2


          rline 9/3 sqrt(4)

     will produce the same result.

     An  expression in GLE is delimited by white space, so it may
     not  contain  any  spaces  -  `  rline 3*3 2' is valid but `
     rline 3 * 3 2' will not work.

     Or  `  let  d2  =  3+sin(d1)'  will  work  and ` let d2= 3 +
     sin(d1) ' won't.

     Expressions  may  contain numbers, arithmetic operators ( +,
     -,  *,  /, ^(to the power of)), relational operators ( >, <,
     =>,  <=,  =, <>) boolean operators ( AND, OR), variables and
     built-in functions.

     When  GLE  is expecting a color or marker name (like `green'
     or  `circle')  it  can  be  given  a  string variable, or an
     expression enclosed in braces).

     GLE  provides  a  large  number of built in functions, these
     are listed in Appendix A.3.

 Functions Inside Expressions

 xg(), yg()
     With  these  functions  it is possible to move to a position
     on  a  graph  using the graph's axis units. To draw a filled
     box  on  a  graph, at position x=948, y=.004 measured on the
     graph axis:

          begin graph
             xaxis min 100 max 2000
             yaxis min -.01 max .01
          end graph
          amove xg(948) yg(.004)
          box 2 2 fill grey10 

 xend(), yend()
     These  functions  return  the  end  point  of the last thing
     drawn.  This  is  of  particular interest when drawing text.

          text abc
          set color blue
          text def      

     This  would  draw the def on top of the abc. To draw the def
     immediately  following the abc simply do the following (Note
     that absolute move is used, not relative move):

 xpos(), ypos()
     Returns  the  current  x  and  y  points. commanddescription

 The Graph Module
     A  graph  should  start  with  begin  graph and end with end
     graph.  The  data to be plotted are organised into datasets.
     A  dataset  consists  of  a series of (X,Y) coordinates, and
     has  a name based on the letter ``d'' and a number between 1
     and 99, eg. d1

     The  name  dn  can  be  used  to  define  a  default for all
     datasets.  Many  graph commands described below start with d
     n.  This  would  normally  be replaced by a specific dataset
     number e.g.,

          d3 marker diamond

     For  each  xaxis  command  there  is  a corresponding yaxis,
     y2axis  and  x2axis  command  for  setting  the top left and
     right    hand   axes.  These  commands  are  not  explicitly
     mentioned in the following descriptions.

 Graph Commands (a summary)
     data filename [d1 d2 d3 ... ] [d1=c1,c3 ] 
     dn bigfile "all.dat,xc,yc" [marker mname] [line] 
     dn err d5 errwidth width-exp errup nn% errdown d4 
     dn herr d5 herrwidth width-exp herrleft nn% errright d4 
     dn key "Dataset title" 
     dn line
     dn lstyle line-style lwidth line-width color col 
     dn marker marker-name [msize marker-size] [mdata dn] 
     dn nomiss 
     dn smooth | smoothm 
     dn xmin x-low xmax x-high ymin y-low ymax y-high 
     hscale exp 
     key pos tl nobox hei exp offset xexp yexp 
     let ds = exp [from low to high step exp ] 
     size x y 
     title  "title"  [hei  ch-hei]  [color col] [font font] [dist
     vscale exp 
     x2labels on 
     xaxis | yaxis | x2axis | y2axis
     xaxis color col font font-name hei exp-cm lwidth exp-cm 
     xaxis dsubticks sub-distance 
     xaxis grid 
     xaxis log 
     xaxis min low max high dpoints n 
     xaxis nofirst nolast 
     xaxis nticks number dticks distance 
     xaxis off 
     xaxis shift cm-exp 
     xlabels font font-name hei char-hei color col 
     xnames "name" "name" ... 
     xplaces pos1 pos2 pos3 ... 
     xside color col lwidth line-width off 
     xsubticks lstyle num lwidth exp length exp off 
     xticks lstyle num lwidth exp length exp off 
     xtitle  "title"  [hei  ch-hei] [color col] [font font] [dist
     y2title "text-string" [rotate]

     bar dx,... dist spacing
     bar dx,... from dy,...
     bar dn,... width xunits,... fill col,... color col,... 

     fill x1, d3 color green xmin val xmax val 
     fill d4,x2 color blue ymin val ymax val 
     fill d3,d4 color green xmin val xmax val 
     fill d4 color green xmin val xmax val 

 Graph Commands (in detail)

 data filename [d1 d2 d3 ... ] [d1=c1,c3 ] 
     Specifies  the name of a file to read data from. By default,
     the  data  will  be  read into the next free datasets unless
     the    optional    specific  dataset  names  are  specified.

     A  dataset  consists  of  a series of (X,Y) coordinates, and
     has  a name based on the letter d and a number between 1 and
     99,  e.g.  d1  or  d4.  Up  to  99  datasets may be defined.

     From  a file with 3 columns the command ` data xx.dat' would
     read  the first and second columns as the x and y values for
     dataset  1 (d1) and the first and third columns as the x and
     y  values  for  dataset  2 (d2). The next data command would
     use dataset 3 (d3).

     A  data  file  for  two  datasets looks like this (*=missing

         1  2.7   3
         2  5     *
         3  7.8   7
         4  9     4

     The  first  coordinate  of dataset d1 would then be ( 1,2.7)
     and  the  first  coordinate  of  dataset d2 would be ( 1,3).

     The  option d3=c2,c3 allows particular columns of data to be
     read  into  a  dataset, d3 would read x values from column 2
     and y values from column 3.

 dn bigfile "all.dat,xc,yc" [marker mname] [line] 
     The  bigfile  option  allows  a  dataset to be read as it is
     drawn,  (rather  than being complete read into memory before
     it  is  drawn)  this  means  that very large datasets can be
     drawn  on  a  PC  without  running  out  of memory. The axis
     minimum  and  maximum  must  be specified (using the command
     xaxis min exp max exp.

     By  default  the  first two columns of the data file will be
     read    in,  but  other  columns  may  be  specified.  E.g.,
     all.dat,3,2  would  read x values from column 3 and y values
     from  column  2.  Or,  to  read the 4th dataset, specify the
     file as all.dat,1,5

     If  the  x column is specified as '0' then GLE will generate
     the x data points. E.g., 1,2,3,4,5...

     Many  (but  not  all)  of the normal dn commands can be used
     with  the bigfile command. E.g., marker, lstyle, xmin, xmax,
     ymin,  ymax,  color and lwidth. You cannot use commands like
     let or bar with the bigfile command.

 dn err d5 errwidth width-exp dn errup nn% errdown d4 
     For  drawing  error  bars  on a graph. The error bars can be
     specified  as  an  absolute  value, as a percentage of the y
     value,  or  as  a dataset. The up and down error bars can be
     specified separately e.g.,

          d3 err .1
          d3 err 10%
          d3 errup 10% errdown d2
          d3 err d1 errwidth .2

 dn herr d5 herrwidth width-exp dn herrleft nn% errright d4 
     These  commands  are  identical  to  the  error bar commands
     above  except  that  they  will  draw bars in the horizontal

 dn key "Dataset title" 
     If  a  dataset  is  given  a  title  like this a key will be
     drawn.  Use the key command (below, after hscale) to set the
     size  and  position  of the key. Use the key module (Chapter
     4) to draw more complex keys.

 dn line
     This  tells  GLE  to  draw  lines  between the points of the
     dataset.  By  default  GLE  will  not draw lines or markers,
     this is often the reason for a blank graph.

     If  a dataset has missing values GLE will not draw a line to
     the  next  real  value,  which leaves a gap in the curve. To
     avoid  this  behavior simply use the nomiss qualifier on the
     dn  command used to define the line. This simply throws away
     missing  values  so  that lines are drawn from the last real
     value to the next real value.

 dn lstyle line-style lwidth line-width color col 
     These  qualifiers  are  all fairly self explanatory. See the
     lstyle  command  in Chapter~2 for details of specifying line

 dn marker marker-name [msize marker-size] [mdata dn] 
     Specifies  the marker to be used for the dataset. There is a
     set  of  pre-defined  markers  (refer  to Appendix A.1 for a
     list)  which can be specified by name (e.g., circle, square,
     triangle,  diamond,  cross,  ...).  Markers  can  also  be a
     user-defined  subroutine  (See  the define marker command in
     Chapter  2).  The mdata option allows a secondary dataset to
     be  defined  which will be used to pass another parameter to
     the  marker  subroutine, this allows each marker to be drawn
     at a different angle,size or color.

     The  msize  qualifier sets the marker size for that dataset.
     The  size  is  a  character height in cm, so that the actual
     size  of  the  markers  will  be  about  0.7  of this value.

 dn nomiss 
     If  a  dataset  has missing values, GLE will not draw a line
     to  the next real value, which leaves a gap in the curve. To
     avoid  this  behavior simply use the nomiss qualifier on the
     dn  command  used  to  define  the line. This simply ignores
     missing values.

 dn smooth | smoothm 
     This  will make GLE draw a smoothed line through the points.
     A  third  degree polynomial is fitted piecewise to the given

     The    smoothm   alternative  will  work  for  multi  valued
     functions,  i.e., functions which have more than one y value
     for each x value.

 dn xmin x-low xmax x-high ymin y-low ymax y-high 
     These  commands map the dataset onto the graph's boundaries.
     The  data  will  be drawn as if the X axis was labelled from
     x-low  to  x-high  (regardless  of  how the axis is actually
     labelled).  A  point in the dataset at X = x-low will appear
     on the left hand edge of the graph.

     This  is  equivalent  to  vscale  1,  hscale 1, noborder. It
     makes  the  graph size command specify the size and position
     of  the  axes  instead  of  the  size of the outside border.

 hscale exp 
     Scales  the  length  of  the  yaxis. See vscale. The default
     value is 0.7.

 key pos tl nobox hei exp offset xexp yexp 
     This  command  allows the features of a key to be specified.
     The  pos  qualifier  sets  the  position  of  the key. E.g.,
     tl=topleft, br=bottomright, etc.

 let ds = exp [ from low to high step exp ] 
     This  command  defines  a  new  dataset  as the result of an
     expression  on  the  variable  x  over a range of values. It
     also  allows the use of other datasets. E.g., to generate an
     average of two datasets:

          data aa.dat d1 d2
          let d3 = d1+d2/2

     Or to generate data from scratch:

          let d1 = sin(x)+log(x) from 1 to 100 step 1

     If  the  xaxis is a LOG axis then the step option is read as
     the  number of steps to produce rather than the size of each

     NOTE:  The  spacing  around  the  `='  sign  and the lack of
     spaces inside the expression are necessary.

     This removes the outer border from the graph.

 size x y 
     Defines  the  size  of  the graph in cm. This is the size of
     the  outside box of a graph. The default size of the axes of
     the  graph  will  be  70%  of this, (see vscale and hscale).
     This command is required.

     title  "title"  [hei  ch-hei]  [color col] [font font] [dist
     This  command  gives  the graph a centred title. The list of
     optional   keywords  specifies  features  of  it.  The  dist
     command    is   used  for  moving  the  title  up  or  down.

 vscale exp 
     This  sets  the  width  of the axis relative to the width of
     the  graph.  For example with a 10cm wide graph and a vscale
     of  .6  the x axis would be 6cm long. A setting of 1.0 makes
     the  xaxis  the same length as the width of the graph, which
     is  useful for positioning some graphs. The default value is

 x2labels on 
     This  command `activates' the numbering of the x2axis. There
     is  a corresponding command ` y2axis on' which will activate
     y2axis numbering.

 xaxis | yaxis | x2axis | y2axis
     A  graph  is  considered to have four axes: The normal xaxis
     and  yaxis  as  well  as the top axis (x2axis) and the right
     axis (y2axis).

     Any  command defining an xaxis setting will also define that
     setting for the x2axis.

     The  secondary  axes  x2 and y2 can be modified individually
     by  starting  the  axis  command with the name of that axis.

 xaxis color col font font-name hei exp-cm lwidth exp-cm 
     These  axis qualifiers affect the color, lstyle, lwidth, and
     font  used for drawing the xaxis (and the x2axis). These can
     be  overriden  with  more  specific commands. E.g., ` xticks
     color  blue'  would override the axis color when drawing the
     ticks.  The subticks would also be blue as they pick up tick
     settings by default.

 xaxis dsubticks sub-distance 
     See xaxis nticks below.

 xaxis grid 
     This  command makes the xaxis ticks long enough to reach the
     x2axis  and the yaxis ticks long enough to reach the y2axis.
     When  used  with  both the x and y axes this produces a grid
     over  the  graph.  Use the xticks lstyle command to create a
     faint grid.

 xaxis log 
     Draws  the  axis  in  logarithmic style, and scales the data
     logarithmically  to  match  (on the x2axis or y2axis it does
     not  affect  the  data, only the way the ticks and labelling
     are drawn)

     Be  aware  that  a  straight  line should become curved when
     drawn  on  a  log  graph.  This will only happen if you have
     enough points or have used the smooth option.

 xaxis min low max high dpoints n 
     Sets  the minimum and maximum values on the xaxis. This will
     determine  both  the  labelling  of the axis and the default
     mapping  of  data  onto the graph. To change the mapping see
     the   dataset  dn  commands  xmin,  ymin,  xmax,  and  ymax.

     The  dpoints  option  specifies the number of decimal points
     that  should  be  displayed.  e.g.  with  a value of 3 these
     numbers  (0,  0.333333,  0.6666667,  1) would become (0.000,
     0.333, 0.667, 1.000)

 xaxis nofirst nolast 
     These  two  switches  simply  remove  the  first or last (or
     both)  labels  from the graph. This is useful when the first
     labels  on  the  x  and  y axis are too close to each other.

 xaxis nticks number dticks distance 
     nticks  specifies the number of ticks along the axis. dticks
     specifies    the    distance  between  ticks  and  dsubticks
     specifies  the  distance  between  subticks. For example, to
     get  one subtick between every main tick with main ticks 3cm
     apart, simply specify dsubticks 1.5.

     By  default  ticks  are drawn on the inside of the graph. To
     draw them on the outside use the command:

          xticks length -.2
          yticks length -.2

 xaxis off 
     Turns  the  whole  axis  off --- labels, ticks, subticks and
     line.  Often  the  x2axis  and y2axis are not required, they
     could    be    turned   off  with  the  following  commands:

          x2axis off
          y2axis off

 xaxis shift cm-exp 
     This  moves  the  labelling  to  the left or right, which is
     useful  when  the  label  refers to the data between the two

 xlabels font font-name hei char-hei color col 
     This  command controls the appearance of the axis labels but
     not the axis title.

 xnames "name" "name" ... 
     This  command replaces the numeric labelling with absolutely
     anything.  Given data consisting of five measurements, taken
     from Monday to Friday, one per day then

          xaxis min 0 max 6 dticks 1
          xnames "" "Mon" "Tue" "Wed" "Thu" "Fri"  ""

     would  give  the  desired  result.  Note  it is essential to
     define  a  specific  axis  minimum,  maximum,  dticks, etc.,
     otherwise  the  labels  may  not  correspond  to  the  data.

     If  there  isn't  enough  room on the line for all the names
     then simply use an extra xnames command.

 xplaces pos1 pos2 pos3 ... 
     This  is  similar  to  the xnames command but it specifies a
     list  of  points  which  should  be  labelled.  This  allows
     labelling  which  isn't  equally  spaced.  The above example
     with    days  of  the  week  could  be  written  like  this:

          xplaces 1  2  5
          xplaces 7
          xnames "Mon" "Tue" "Fri" "Sun"

     If  there  isn't  enough  room on the line for all the names
     then simply use an extra xplaces command.

 xside color col lwidth line-width off 
     This  command controls the appearance of the axis line, i.e.
     the line to which the ticks are attached.

 xsubticks lstyle num lwidth exp length exp off 
     This  command  gives  fine  control of the appearance of the
     axis subticks.

 xticks lstyle num lwidth exp length exp off 
     This  command  gives  fine  control of the appearance of the
     axis  ticks. Note: To get ticks on the outside of the graph,
     i.e.  pointing  outwards,  specify  a  negative tick length:

          xticks length -.2
          yticks length -.2

     xtitle  "title"  [hei  ch-hei] [color col] [font font] [dist
     This  command  gives  the axis a centered title. The list of
     optional  keywords  specify features of it. The dist command
     is used for moving the title up or down.

 y2title "text-string" [rotate] 
     By  default  the  y2title is written vertically upwards. The
     optional    rotate    keyword   changes  this  direction  to
     downwards.  The  rotate  option  is  specific to the y2title


 Bar Graphs
     Drawing  a  bar  graph  is  a subcommand of the normal graph
     module.  This  allows  bar  and line graphs to be mixed. The
     bar  command  is  quite complex as it allows a great deal of
     flexibility.  The  same  command allows stacked, overlapping
     and grouped bars.

     For  stacked  bars use separate bar commands as in the first
     example below:

          bar d1 fill black
          bar d2 from d1 fill grey10

     For  grouped bars put all the datasets in a list on a single
     bar command:

          bar d1,d2,d3 fill grey10,grey40,black

 bar dx,... dist spacing
     Specifies  the  distance  between bars in dataset(s) dx,....
     The  distance is measured from the left hand side of one bar
     to  the  left  hand side of the next bar. A distance of less
     than  the  width  of  a bar results in the bars overlapping.

 bar dx,... from dy,...
     This  sets the starting point of each bar in datasets dx,...
     to  be  at  the  value  in  datasets dy,..., and is used for
     creating  stacked bar charts. Each layer of the bar chart is
     created with an additional bar command.

          bar d1,d2 
          bar d3,d4 from d1,d2
          bar d5,d6 from d3,d4

     Note  1:  It  is  important that the values in d3 and d4 are
     greater than the values in d1 and d2.

     Note  2:  Data  files for stacked bar graphs should not have
     missing  values,  replace the * character with the number on
     its left in the data file.

 bar dn,... width xunits,... fill col,... color col,... 
     The  rest of the bar qualifiers are fairly self explanatory.
     When  several  datasets  are  specified,  separate them with
     commas (with no spaces between commas).

          bar d1,d2 width 0.2 dist 0.2 fill grey10,grey20 color red,green


 Filling Between Lines

 fill x1, d3 color green xmin val xmax val 
     Fills  between  the  xaxis  and  a dataset, use the optional
     xmin,  xmax,  ymin, ymax qualifiers to clip the filling to a
     smaller region

 fill d4,x2 color blue ymin val ymax val 
     This    command    fills  from  a  dataset  to  the  x2axis.

 fill d3,d4 color green xmin val xmax val 
     This command fills between two datasets.

 fill d4 color green xmin val xmax val 
     This  command  treats the dataset as a polygon and fills it.
     The dataset should be a closed polygon.


 Notes on Drawing Graphs

 Importance of Order
     Most  of  the graph commands can appear in any order, but in
     some cases order is significant.

     As  some  let  commands  operate on data which has been read
     into  datasets,  the  data  commands  should precede the let

     The  wildcard  dn  command  should appear before specific d1
     commands which it will override.

     By  default  xaxis  commands  also  change  the  x2axis, and
     xlabels   commands  also  change  x2labels,  so  to  specify
     different  settings  for  the  x  and  x2  axes,  put the x2
     settings after the x settings.

          begin graph
             size 10 10
             data a.dat
             let d2 = d1*3
             dn marker square lstyle 3   ! sets d1 and d2
             d2 marker dot
             xaxis color green
             xticks color blue
             x2axis color black
          end graph

 Line Width
     When  scaling a graph up or down for publication the default
     line  width  may  need changing. To do this simply specify a
     set lwidth command before beginning the graph.

          size 10 10 
          set lwidth .1
          begin graph
          end graph

 The KEY module
     This  module  is  used  for  drawing  keys for graphs. It is
     completely separate from the graph module.

     Specify  a  position  for the key, the size of the lettering
     and  then for each dataset specify marker, color, lstyle and
     fill pattern:

          begin graph
          end graph
          begin key
             hei .5
             position tr
             text "Green trees" marker heart msize .2 fill grey10
             text "Red trees" lstyle 3 marker heart fill blue
             text "Oranges" marker circle lstyle 6 fill black
          end key

     All  commands to do with a particular line of the key module
     MUST appear on the same line.

 Key commands

 offset x-exp y-exp
     Specifies  the  offset  in  cm from the current point to the
     bottom  left  hand  corner of the graph. This command should
     be on a line of its own.

 position justify-exp
     This  is an alternative to the OFFSET command. It allows you
     to  specify  a  position  on the graph, e.g., tl = top left.
     This  command  should  be on a line of its own. See set just
     for a list of justify settings.

 text str-exp
     The  text  which  will  be displayed on the end of the line.

 lstyle style-num
     The  line  style which will be used for the short line drawn
     in the key.

 marker marker-name
     The  marker  which  will  be  used for that line of the key.

 msize exp
     Specifies the size of the markers in cm.

 mscale exp
     Specifies  how  much  to scale the size of the marker. E.g.,
     0.5    would  produce  a  marker  half  as  big  as  normal.

 color color-name
     The colour of the text, line and marker.

 hei cm-exp
     This  sets  the height of the text used to draw the key. The
     key  will change in size to fit around the text. If you omit
     this command the current font size is used.

 fill fill-pattern
     The fill pattern used in that line of the key.


 Advanced features of GLE
     This  chapter  covers  the advanced features of GLE. Some of
     these  features  will  not  give exactly the same results on
     the   PC  screen  as  you  would  get  when  printing  to  a
     PostScript  printer. E.g., clipping to an arbitrary shape is
     only  implemented  in  the  PostScript driver but most other
     features  will  give  as  close  as  possible representation
     given the limitations of the screen.

     Internally  GLE  treats color and fill identically, they are
     simply  an  intensity  of  Red,  Green and Blue. Each of the
     predefined  color  names  (yellow,grey20,orange,red)  simply
     define the ratio of red, green and blue.

     There  are  two  ways to use variables to show color, one is
     for shades of grey:

          for i = 0 to 10
             box 3 .2 fill (i/10)
             rmove 0 .2
          next i

     The  other  is  for  passing  a  color  name  as a variable:

          sub stick c$
             box .2 2 fill c$
          end sub
          @stick "green"	

     Remember  a  fill pattern completely obscures what is behind
     it,  so  the  following  command  would produce a box with a

          amove 4 4 
          box 3 2 fill grey10
          rmove -.1 .1
          box 3 2 fill white
          rmove .4 .4
          text hellow

 Device Drivers
     GLE supports the following devices.

     Interactive:  IBM/PC  (BGI),  VT100,  REGIS  (VT125, VT240),
     TEK4010, VWS, XWindows.

     Output:  PostScript,  HPGL,  EPSON, EPSON 24pin, HP Deskjet.

     Keyboard Mappings:

     VT100 		VT200 		PC 		Meaning 
     GOLD 1 		F11 		F1 		Help 
     GOLD 2 		F12 		F2 		Save 
     GOLD 3 		F13 		F3 		Load 
     GOLD 4 		F14 		F4 		Save-as 
     GOLD 9 		F9 		F9 		Graph-menu 
     GOLD 0 		F10 		F10 		Draw-it 
     Control+Z 		Control+Z 	Control+Z 	Exit/Escape 
     					Alt+X 		Exit/Escape 
     Control+E 		Control+E 			Calls VAX EDT 
     Control+F 		Control+F 			Toggle fast/slow text 
     Control+R 		Control+R 	F5 		Shows errors 
     					Control+S 	Shells to DOS 

 PC Screen Drivers
     Remember  that  what you see on the screen isn't always what
     you  will  get  on  the  printer. For example filled regions
     will  not be filled, and some characters may not look right.

     After   pressing  F10  and  drawing  the  graph  it  can  be
     annotated  by using the mouse (or arrow keys) to draw lines,
     text  and boxes. To draw lines simply click on the points of
     the  line,  use the right hand mouse button to `pick up' the

     To  draw  text  press the letter `t' and then click on where
     you would like the text to be drawn.

     All  movements  are  rounded to the grid size settings which
     are 1.0cm, 0.1cm, 0.01cm etc.

     The  height and color of the text/lines is determined by the
     current settings at the end of the GLE file.

     If  there  is  no mouse driver loaded then a cross-hair will
     appear  and  it  can  be  moved around using the arrow keys.
     Press    `c'    to  click,  instead  of  the  mouse  button.

 PostScript Driver
     To print a GLE file to the laser printer type:

          $ cgle myfile /print

     or on a PC:

          C:\GLE> psgle myfile   
          C:\GLE> print myfile.ps 

     The  postscript  drivers  for  GLE will automatically flip a
     picture  to  best  fit  onto the page, e.g. a wide graph (as
     defined  by  the  size  command at the top) will be drawn in
     landscape  mode  and  a  tall  thin  graph  will be drawn in
     portrait mode.

     To  produce  an  .eps file on a VAX for inclusion in LaTeXor
     WordPerfect you would type:

          $ cgle myfile /dev=eps

     On a PC you would type:

          C:\GLE> psgle myfile  /eps
          (this creates myfile.eps, not myfile.ps)

     Inside your LaTeXdocument use the LaTeXcommand:


     The  width  and  height  are  used by LaTeXto reserve enough
     space  for  the  drawing  and  the last parameter is a scale

     The  laser  printer  driver  will  draw all zero width lines
     .02cm  wide  for  any  line  width  equal to zero, but if an
     lwidth  is greater than zero and less than or equal to .0001
     then  it  will  use a line width of 1 pixel. Without this it
     would  be  impossible  to  specify  a line width that didn't
     occasionally get rounded to 2 pixels.

 TEK4010 Driver
     This  driver  allows  initialization sequences to be defined
     with the symbols TEK_OPEN and TEK_CLOSE.

     On  a  VAX this is normally done by CGLECMD.COM so that when
     you  specify  /DEV=V550  the  assignments  are done for you.
     (V550 = Visual 550)

 HPGL Driver

 Device Drivers>HPGL Driver
     This  driver  allows  initialization sequences to be defined
     in  the  symbols  HPGL_OPEN  and  HPGL_CLOSE.  On the PC use
     environment  variables  and on the VAX use DCL symbols. Also
     HPGL_WIDTH  and  HPGL_HEIGHT  can  be  defined  for  non  A3

     On  a  VAX this is normally done by CGLECMD.COM so that when
     you  specify  /DEV=HPA4  the  assignments  are done for you.

     The   HPGL  driver  assigns  the  following  colors  to  pen

     1=black,    2=red,    3=green,  4=blue,  5=magenta,  6=white

 PC Bitmap Drivers
     GLE  supports the EPSON 8 and 24 pin and HP deskjet/laserjet
     printers.  To  support  bitmap devices which require a large
     amount  of memory GLE first writes a device independent file
     OUT.DVI,   then  the  appropriate  bitmap  driver  for  your
     printer  will  read  the  OUT.DVI  file  and create a bitmap
     which it then prints to LPT1:

          C:> dvigle myfile      (produces OUT.DVI)
          C:> dviepson           (creates bitmap and prints to LPT1:)

     The output options are:

          C:> dviepson           Standard EPSON printers 
          C:> dviep24            24 Pin EPSON printers (180dpi)
          C:> dvilj              HP Laser jet, Desk jet (150 dpi)
          C:> dvilj300           HP Laser jet, Desk jet (300 dpi)

     The    high   resolution  drivers  (dviep24,  dvilj300)  are
     significantly  slower  than  the  low  resolution drivers so
     would only be used for final output.

     See  the  file  AAREADME.GLE  for  the latest information on

 Fonts (font mapping)
     By  default the generic fonts (rm, rmb, ss, tt etc) will all
     map  to  PLSR  (plotter  simplex  roman)  on BITMAP and HPGL
     drivers.  To  make  this  happen  on  other  drivers put the
     command  plotter fonts immediately after the size command at
     the top of the GLE file.

     A  typical  result of this change in fonts is that something
     that  lines  up  on the screen will not line up when printed
     to  an  EPSON  printer. If this happens then use the plotter
     fonts command.

     If  a  character  is  missing  from  a  font,  or  isn't the
     particular  variation  you  like, you can define a character
     to be from a different font in this way:


     On  the  PC  some  fonts  may  not be installed to save disk
     space.  When  one  of  the  missing  fonts  is called for, a
     replacement  font  will be displayed, this may look terrible
     and   some  special  characters  may  be  completely  wrong.

     More  importantly  if you use a font which does not have its
     font  metric  file  installed  (e.g.  C:/GLE/FONTS/PLSR.FMT)
     then   the  PostScript  driver  will  space  the  characters
     incorrectly.    This    can  be  fixed  by  extracting  that
     particular    metric    file   from  the  distribution  file

 Diagrams, Joining Named Objects
     To  draw  lines between boxes which contain text, first name
     each  box  as  it  is drawn and then use the join command to
     draw the lines between the boxes.

          box 2 3 fill blue  name square
          amove 5 5 
          begin box add .1  name titlebox
               text Title
          end box
          join square.tr -> titlebox.bc

     These  commands  draw  a  line from the ``Top Right'' of the
     square  to  the  ``Bottom  Centre'' of the titlebox, with an
     arrow at the titlebox end.

          join square - titlebox

     would  draw  a  line  from  the  centre of the square to the
     centre  of  the  titlebox but clipped correctly at the edges
     of both boxes.

          join square.tc <-> titlebox.v

     would  draw  a  vertical  line  from  the  top centre of the
     square    to    the  titlebox  with  arrows  at  both  ends.

     Named points on each box:

     		.bl	Bottom left
     		.bc	Bottom centre
     		.br	Bottom right
     		.cr	Centre right
     		.tr	Top right
     		.tc	Top centre
     		.tl	Top left
     		.cl	Centre left
     		.v 	Vertical line
     		.h 	Horizontal line
     		.cc	Centre centre
     		.ci	Circle clipping	(for drawing lines to a circle)

     To  draw  lines to a given point, simply move there and save
     that point as a named object.

     	rmove 2 3
     	save apoint
     	join apoint - square

 Filling, Stroking and Clipping Paths
     It  is  possible to set up arbitrary clipping regions. To do
     this  draw  a  shape  and  make  it into a path by putting a
     begin  path  clip  ...  end  path,  around it. Then draw the
     things  to  be  clipped  by that region. To clear a clipping
     path  surround  the whole section of GLE commands with begin
     clip ... end clip

     Characters  can  be used to make up clipping paths, but only
     the  PostScript  fonts will currently work for this purpose.

     Clipping  doesn't  work  on  the  screen or p79 devices, but
     does  on  the  laser printer. See example CLIP.GLE at end of

          size 10 5 
          begin clip       ! Save current clipping path
             begin path clip stroke  ! Define new clipping region
                amove 2 2 
                box 3 3 
                amove 6 2 
                box 3 3 
             end path
             amove 2 2 
             set hei 3
             text Here is clipped text
          end clip         ! Restore original clipping path

 Using Variables
     GLE  has  two types of variables, floating point and string.
     String  variables  always  end  with a dollar sign. A string
     variable  contains  text  like  ``Hello  this  is  text'', a
     floating  point  variable  can  only  contain  numbers  like

          name$ = "Joe"
          height = 6.5    ! Height of person
          shoe = .05      ! shoe adds to height of person
          amove 1 1
          box .2 height+shoe
          write name$	

 Programming Loops
     The  simple  way  to  draw  a  6 $$ 8 grid would be to use a
     whole mass of line commands:

          amove 0 0 
          rline 0 8 
          amove 1 0 
          rline 1 8 
          amove 6 0 
          rline 6 8

     this  would  be  laborious  to  type  in,  and  would become
     impossible  to  manage with several grids. By using a simple
     loop this can be avoided:

          for x = 0 to 6
             amove x 0 
             rline x 8 
          next x
          for y = 0 to 8
             amove 0 y 
             rline 6 y 
          next y 

     To  draw  lots  of  grids  all  of  different  dimensions  a
     subroutine  can  be  defined  and then used again and again:

          ! define the subroutine
          sub grid nx ny 
          begin origin
          for x = 0 to nx
             amove x 0 
             aline x ny 
          next x
          for y = 0 to ny
             amove 0 y 
             aline nx y 
          next y 
          end origin
          end sub
          ! now draw the grids wherever
          amove 2 4
          @grid 6  8
          amove 2 2
          @grid 9 5

     Now  the  main  GLE  file  will  be  much  easier  to modify
     particularly  if  the  subroutine definition is moved into a
     separate file:

          size 10 10
          include griddef.gle
          amove 2 4
          @grid 2 4
          amove 2 2
          @grid 9 5




     font-name 	Description 
     rm 	Roman 
     rmb 	Roman Bold 
     rmi 	Roman Italic 
     ss 	San Serif 
     ssb 	San Serif Bold 
     ssi 	San Serif Italic 
     tt 	Typewriter 
     ttb 	Typewriter Bold 
     tti 	Typewriter Italic 

     font-name 	Description 
     psagb 	AvantGarde-Book 
     psagbo 	AvantGarde-BookOblique 
     psbd 	Bookman-Demi 
     psbdi 	Bookman-DemiItalic 
     psbl 	Bookman-Light 
     psbli 	Bookman-LightItalic 
     psc 	Courier 
     pscb 	Courier-Bold 
     pscbo 	Courier-BoldOblique 
     psco 	Courier-Oblique 
     psh 	Helvetica 
     pshb 	Helvetica-Bold 
     pshbo 	Helvetica-BoldOblique 
     psho 	Helvetica-Oblique 
     psncsb 	NewCenturySchlbk-Bold 
     psncsi 	NewCenturySchlbk-Italic 
     psncsr 	NewCenturySchlbk-Roman 
     pspr 	Palatino-Roman 
     pstr 	Times-Roman 
     psti 	Times-Italic 
     pstb 	Times-Bold 
     pstbi 	Times-BoldItalic 
     pszcmi 	ZapfChancery-MediumItalic 
     pszd 	ZapfDingbats 
     pssym 	Symbol 

     font-name 	Description 
     texcmb 	Computer Modern Bold 
     texcmex 	Computer Modern Extensible 
     texcmitt 	Computer Modern Italic Typewriter 
     texcmmi 	Computer Modern Maths Italic 
     texcmr 	Computer Modern Roman 
     texcmss 	Computer Modern Sans Serif 
     texcmssb 	Computer Modern Sans Serif Bold 
     texcmssi 	Computer Modern Sans Serif Italic 
     texcmsy 	Computer Modern Symbol 
     texcmti 	Computer Modern Text Italic 
     texcmtt 	Computer Modern Typewriter Text 

     font-name 	Description 
     plcc 	Complex Cartographic 
     plcg 	Complex Gothic 
     plci 	Complex Italic 
     plcr 	Complex Roman 
     plcs 	Complex Script 
     pldr 	Duplex Roman 
     plge 	Gothic English 
     plgg 	Gothic German 
     plgi 	Gothic Italian 
     plsa 	Simplex Ascii 
     plsg 	Simplex German 
     plsr 	Simplex Roman 
     plss 	Simplex Script 
     plsym1 	Symbols one 
     plsym2 	Symbols two 
     plti 	Triplex Italic 
     pltr 	Triplex Roman 
     plba 	Block Ascii 


     Function Name 		Returns 
     TIME$() 			current time e.g. ``11:44:27'' 
     DATE$() 			current date e.g. ``Tue Apr 09 1991'' 
     LEFT$(str$,exp) 		left exp characters of str$ 
     RIGHT$(str$,exp) 		rest of str$ starting at exp 
     SEG$(str$,exp1,exp2) 	str$ from exp1 to exp2 
     NUM$(exp) 			string representation of exp 
     NUM1$(exp) 		as above but with no spaces 
     VAL(str$) 			value of the string str$ 
     POS(str1$,str2$,exp) 	position of str2$ in str1$ from exp 
     LEN(str$)		 	the length of str$ 

     Function Name 		Returns 
     ABS(exp) 			absolute value of expression 
     ATN(exp) 			arctan 
     COS(exp) 			cosine 
     EXP(exp) 			exponent 
     FIX(exp) 			exp rounded towards 0 
     INT(exp) 			integer part of exp 
     LOG(exp) 			log to base e of exp 
     LOG10(exp) 		log to base 10 of exp 
     SGN(exp)  			returns  1  or -1.
     SIN(exp) 			sine of exp 
     SQR(exp) 			exp squared 
     TAN(exp) 			tangent of exp 
     NOT(exp) 			logical not of exp 
     RND(exp) 			random number from seed exp 
     SQRT(exp)		 	square root of exp 

     Function Name 		Returns 
     XEND() 			the x end point of a text string when drawn 
     YEND() 			the y end point of a text string when drawn 
     XPOS() 			the current x point 
     YPOS() 			the current y point 
     TWIDTH(str$)  		the width of str$ assuming current font, size
     THEIGHT(str$)  		the  height  of  str$ assuming current font, size 
     TDEPTH(str$)  		the  depth of str$ 
     XG(xexp) 			converts units of last graph to abs cm. 
     YG(yexp)  			converts  units  of last graph to abs cm. tabular